If you can afford a macro lens worth thousand of dollars, by all means go for it. If you are on the budget side or shooting for fun, cheap macro extension tubes on ebay is a great solutions for under $20.
Definition first , macro photograph is really nothing more than close-up photography. Typically in macro photography the image seen by your sensor is at least 50% of its real size abbreviated.
Macro extension tubes push the lens farther from the camera. Because they are passive with no optics of their own your original lens quality remains. You will lose some light in an already tough-to-light situation. You'll also lose the ability to focus to infinity, but your closest focus point becomes much closer. These cheap and dumb tubes have no electronic connection to your camera or lens. Your auto everything camera will have to be adjusted manually to shoot macro.
Macro photography typically has very limited depth-of-field. Manual focusing is very critical.
Start to have fun with your friendly bugs in the garden.